Terms and Conditions

Last updated 01/01/2020

Jurisdiction and law

Unless otherwise specified, the products and services described in this website are available only to UK residents (excluding the Channel Islands and Isle of Man). The information on this website is not directed at anyone other than UK residents and applications from others will, unless otherwise stated, not be accepted. LearnWithNeil makes no representation that any product or service referred to on the website is appropriate for use or available in other locations. The information and other materials contained in this website may not satisfy the laws of any other country and those who choose to access this site from other locations are responsible for compliance with local laws if and to the extent local laws are applicable. The phone numbers provided only apply to phone calls made from within the UK.

These Terms and Conditions and any terms and conditions relating to products or services described in this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising in relation to the same shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

As a student: You must present your valid UK provisional driving licence to your Instructor prior to the start of your initial lesson. Should you fail to do so, your Instructor reserves the right to refuse to provide you with tuition or to cancel any lessons you have booked with them, and you may be charged the full value of that lesson.

You must meet the minimum eye test requirements, which means you must be able to read a standard UK approved number plate at a minimum distance of 20.5 metres (67 feet). If you need to wear glasses or contact lenses in order to meet this requirement then you must wear them whenever you drive.

You must notify your Instructor of any matters existing at any time that may affect your ability or entitlement to have driving tuition, for example, but not limited to, any lack, or loss, of a valid provisional driving licence.

Tuition Vehicle and Practical Driving Test: Your driving instructor reserves the right to withhold the use of the driving instruction tuition vehicle for the candidate practical test if I consider that the candidate is not at test standard. Please be aware that you’re driving instructor has a full diary of students and therefore you should always consult with your driving instructor before booking your practical driving test s/he will only be glad to advise you of their free times, if you fail to consult with your driving instructor they will not guarantee availability. 

Cancellation: pupils  failing to provide ADEQUATE NOTICE for cancelling A lesson of instruction, as common within the industry you’re driving instructor will need a MINIMUM of 48 HOURS NOTICE if you are unable to attend your driving lesson otherwise you will be charged for any loss of revenue or have the agreement terminated. However I would appreciate you honoring appointment times and any cancellation being you’re only alternative, under exceptional circumstances such as family crisis etc… Do not hesitate to contact me at any time giving adequate notice, I will be most understanding and try to reschedule your driving lesson to another day / time in the same week at no extra cost. Please note this is at discretion and not guaranteed.

Lesson Breaks: If you suspend taking your driving lessons  for a period of 4 weeks  (1 month) or more or I haven’t heard off you during this period any remaining lessons will be forfeited. If you cancel driving tuition any prepaid lessons outstanding are subject to a cancellation/administration fee of 50% of the remaining amount. All cancellations must be made with a phone call or text message that I have received/read.  Refunds will be given via bank transfers only and will have to through my accountant which can take a few weeks.

Lessons and Traffic: Please be aware that you’re driving instructor has no control over road conditions such as but not limited to; road works, traffic jams, road accidents, road closure plus many more etc… While you’re driving instructor has extensive knowledge of the local area s/he will not be held responsible for any delays that this may cause in over run lesson time (you will not be charged for the overrun lessons) and/or lateness to appointments such as but not limited to your practical driving test.

Infringements: Please note that while you’re driving instructor is there to guide and instruct you they cannot be held responsible for any speeding fines, infringement fines, etc… That are incurred due to none-conformation of instruction any such infringements etc… Will be the sole responsibility of the candidate. In the event of an accident whereby the student is deemed liable, you agree to cover all costs regards insurance excess.

Fitness to Drive: Please be aware if you are found to be unfit to drive due to such things as but not limited to; being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, not wearing prescription glasses, etc… You’re driving instructor WILL refuse to take you on a driving lesson and you will be charged for any loss of revenue.

Pre paid lessons: Lessons delivered to you will be redeemed against your oldest prepaid lesson payments

Lesson prices vary throughout the UK and therefore the lesson prices quoted to you when you pay are only applicable in the post code area where tuition was purchased. If you subsequently choose to take a lesson in an alternative location, the prevailing lesson price in the new area could be different from the original lesson price quoted when your monies were received. In such an event the number of hours of driving lessons purchased will be adjusted up or down to reflect the change in lesson price.

Transferring prepaid lessons

You cannot sell or transfer lessons which have been purchased in your name to any other person.


Once a lesson pack purchased via voucher has commenced, further lessons cannot be transferred to another party until such time has the purchased lessons have expired.
Vouchers have a 6 month expiry from issue, and cannot be refunded.

Short notice test bookings – Terms and Conditions

A short notice test is when there is four weeks or less from the date of the first planned lesson with LearnWithNeil driving school to the booked test date. Before making a booking or making a payment for a short notice test please be aware of the following terms and conditions:

  • Booking of a Short Notice Test package consists of 5 hours’ or more worth of driving instructor and tuition vehicle time.
  • During the first 2 hours you will be assessed by your driving instructor. If after the initial two hour assessment the Driving Instructor tells you that you are not ready we will not take you to test.
  • If you need additional tuition prior to the test the Driving Instructor will explain this to you. You will need to be available for the time slots he/she is available should you wish to take these lessons. If you cannot take the required hours we will not be able to take you for test.

You will need to pay for five hours of tuition prior to the first lesson commencing which is not refundable if the driving instructor says you are not ready for test; however this can be used for further tuition. but must be used within the next three months.

A deposit for Intensive courses must be paid for when booked.

Appointments:Every care will be taken to ensure that trainees receive the training at the requested times and with the instructor as booked. All booking are made on the understanding that the school is not responsible for the postponement of training due to adverse weather conditions, mechanical breakdown of equipment, absence of staff or any other cause. Neither can the school be held responsible for driving test appointments postponed by the driving standards agency. (DSA).

All lessons and blocks must be paid at the commencement of the lesson or before. Credit is not offered or implied. If lesson money remains outstanding we reserve the right to terminate any agreements and will not hesitate to take reasonable steps to recover fees including legal action and will be charged at the standard rate foregoing any implied discounts..

Personal Property: Naturally every endeavour is made to safeguard the personal property of any trainee, but we point out that the school / Instructor accepts no liability whatsoever for jewellery, cash, clothing or other property that may be left in the training vehicles or their premises.

Official Driving Test:
All test appointments are charged at a minimum of 2 hours (1 hours optional tuition/practice and test hour. No Exceptions)
The school reserves the right to withhold the training vehicle (car) for the driving test, if in the Instructors opinion; the trainee has not reached the required standard. Instructors will advise clients when to apply for their practical driving tests, taking into account local waiting times and forecast of clients’ potential for achieving the driving test pass standard. The instructor will not cancel or re-arrange a driving test without the client’s agreement. In the event of the instructor’s decision to withhold the use of the school car for the driving test, sufficient notice will be given to the client to avoid loss of the DSA test fee.

Also please be aware that it is the candidate’s responsibility to take the required documentation to their practical driving test your driving instructor will not be held responsible if your test is cancelled due to missing documentation. While every effort is made to maintain the vehicle of instruction to a high standard you’re driving instructor will NOT be responsible for any mechanical or electrical faults that may happen before or during your practical driving test such as but not limited to BLOWN Reverse light bulb etc… You’re driving instructor will not be held responsible if your test is cancelled due to such events.


Changes to terms and records of agreements

LearnWithNeil reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes on the website. It is your responsibility to review the website terms and conditions regularly to ensure you are aware of the latest terms and conditions. Your use of this website after a change has been posted will be deemed to signify your acceptance of the modified terms and conditions. We recommend that you print off and retain for your records a copy of these terms and conditions from time to time and a copy of any terms and conditions relating to any product or service, any amendment to terms and conditions must be agreed in writing by us.